Most people I know are not much for carrying on an extended conversation about insurance. I mean who wants to dwell on the bad things associated with why you need the stuff?
You know, like crashing your car, the house flooding, getting sick and ended up in the hospital for an extend period, or even dying! I guess no one wants to talk about all that except the folks trying to sell you insurance.
If your livelihood depends upon selling insurance you have to be creative. That must be why some of the most novel television commercials aired are for the insurance industry.
One of my favorite in these commerical series is by the Allstate Insurance Company. Those are the guys that when you have their product, you are in 'good hands.'
They offer two very contrasting images about having insurance. There is the one portrayed by Dennis Haysbert, who in his resonating baritone bravado calmly confirms the company's message of being well cared for if you own protection from Allstate.
However, Allstate didn't stop there in painting the insurance portrait. Nope. Instead of leaving well enough alone, the company contrasts the steady and serene message of Haysbert with that of Dean Winters, better known as Mr. Mayhem.
Viewers of these TV ads are shocked into a reality of just how thin the line is before crossing over into the alternate universe of all things gone wrong. Then, if that is not enough they compound the situation by adding accident on top of accident. By driving home the fact there are actually guys like this out there wondering around, the convincingly make the argument you really do need Allstate's 'good hands' for protection. Brilliant messaging.
When Choosing a Scanner Whose Hands are You In?
What are you wanting when looking to trust the transformation of your most precious printed photo or treasured documents into digital images designed to live on forever to be shared with generations to come? Is it a vote of confidence that all is under control, or are your willing to risk an encounter with mayhem itself?
My bet is most want something offering confidence, security, and is a real winner. This makes it important to try and determine if you do encounter issues when entrusting your project with digitization by a high-quality, high-speed photo scanner, who has the proven reputation of lending their good hands to do what they can to help.
Good Genes & Accolades
Kodak Alaris has once again been named by Buyers Laboratory (BLI) as the Winner of Prestigious 2017 Scanner Line of the Year Award.
This award recognizes the OEM whose product line, as a whole, ranks highest the rest with regards to the breadth of offerings and the individual prowess of its scanners exhibited in BLI’s lab testing. It is Kodak Alaris' 2nd year in a row to receive this coveted title.
The Kodak i2000 class of scanners comprises the fundamental foundation for the Kodak Picture Saver Scanner. As a member of this class of scanners, whose underlying genetic make-up of superior scanning technology forms the basis of the Kodak Picture Saver Scanner, means this photo scanner is in a league of its own.However, that is just the beginning. There is so much more making this machine unique. For in addition to being a part of this prized family of scanners, the Kodak Picture Saver Scanner earned the very first APPO Endorsement Seal from the Association of Personal Photo Organizers.
Meanwhile, many of the key photo digitizing services around the globe offer up a vote of confidence daily as they use these scanners to transform their client's printed photos into digital images. Now that's a real winner!
So, as you set out on your photo digitization project take a few moments. Look past all the advertising hype and hoopla about being willing to forgo some value over cost to determine should Mr. Mayhem show up, are you in the right hands?